Who We Are?
Our Mission
To be Nigeria’s best Engineering, Procurement and Construction Company in the energy sector. We will achieve this by:
¤ Attracting and retaining smart, flexible, and adaptable people
¤ Developing a sustainable and diverse business
¤ Adapting to changing markets and consistently delivering as sold to our customers

About Konad Associates
Konad Associates Limited is registered in Nigeria and located our representative offices in Lagos, Port-Harcourt, Rivers State, and Owerri, Imo State of Nigeria to support Oil and Gas Business in Nigeria and the West African Sub-region, providing maximum local resources deployment and also to ensure accessibility and quick response to EPC needs of most Oil and Gas operators in Nigeria with the most efficient cost and timely delivery.
We are a company of choice to many major operators and assets owners in Nigeria, with a track record consistently delivering successful projects.
Konad Construction and Engineering Teams have robust diversified experience in fabrication and installations on topside and floating vessels. We deliver sea fastening operations on vessels and fabrication and installation aids for deep water wellhead installation programs.
Konad delivers a complete range of procurement solutions, We cover both fixed platforms, floating and sub-sea production systems. We have executed successful materials delivery project for our clients
Konad has extensive offshore operation and maintenance experience, deploying some of the industry’s most experience personnel with over 20 years in running the operation of fertilities including FPSOs, FSOs.
Our Operational Philosophy
SAFETY : W e are committed to providing a safe and healthy work place for our employees and partners, ensuring operations are carried out in the manner that protect personnel, the environment and the host communities.
QUALITY: W e carefully design every process to yield the highest organizational excellences and greatest client satisfaction. Quality is carefully contained in our culture and it’s in the fabric of our organization.
COST EFFECTIVENESS: W e carefully design every process to yield the highest organizational excellences and greatest client satisfaction. Quality is carefully contained in our culture and it’s in the fabric of our organization.
LOCAL CONTENT DEVELOPMENT: Our collective corporate strategies is to systematically accelerate the transfer of technology, engineering experience, and specialized know-how from our expatriates and foreign technical partners to indigenous nationals.
Clientele Base Globally
Team of Professionals
Successfully Project
Years of experience
Our Team
In the ever-changing construction industry, we’re proud to offer competitive benefits using our team of experts. Our team of experts and staff empower us to undertake any level of EPCI projects. Let us offer our knowledge and experience to your next design and construction project. We strive to foster a work environment where relationships are valued and every team member is treated with trust and respect.
Our Clients